Remember the part in Harry Potter where the professor Umbridge has Harry write I must not tell lies and it etches the words into his skin? Can you imagine if that really happened to us? You know how many people would have that phrase on the back of their hand? Wow! Everyone has told a lie. Its ok, I know I have. It is how we learn and grow from it that makes us better. I know better now. I don't lie in my writing..never have. I tell it like it is. I don't lie for attention. Being an attention whore isn't something a true athur does. A true author craves sharing their stories and imagination for help and entertainment. If you use the writen word as a crutch and you can't live day to day without people's admiration, then you aren't doing something right. If you lie to make yourself look better, then you have already lost.
I see people lie about a whole lot of things.. How much money they make, what they do for a living, their past experiences, deceitful things.. Some even lie to themselves outwardly..claiming love and affection that isn't there. Its a mental problem they refuse to admit..
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