Saturday, August 30, 2014

Pretending to be tough

I know I may by now be sounding like a broken record.. Or like I am trying to get a point across to someone, it is because I am doing all of that. If you feel like you need to insult someone continuously in order to make yourself look or sound good, you may be getting positive results now but it will all backfire eventually.
I say what I need to say. The reason I am now doing it here is because I am sick of getting fake threats when I say it to them.. I am sure many of you deal with this. The only way to fix it is to stand up for yourself. If you hide behind others with desperation for attention and approval you are making nothing but a joke out of yourself. People who do this are of low character and are generally afraid to directly say anything to anyone. If you have a problem with someone, shouldn't you speak with THEM, and not everyone else? I know its hard.. I try to but it usually end up turning into the other person calling names and saying you need therapy then going behind your back to loved ones claiming you arecrazy.. This my dear friends, is the definition of a jealous obsessive person who cannot accept the slightest amount of crtitism without playing the infant aged blame game. 
Yes I am being a hypocrit right now, but I need to make a point and unfortunately this is the easiest way. I am also extending a little advise ontop of my rant. If you hide behind people acting like you are trying to help people but are actually attacking someone, then YOU my friend need to man up! You know who you are and if you need me to once again tell you personally, I would be glad to but if you cannot learn to shut up and listen and learn and automatically start with the threats and name calling, then it will be over. The game has to stop now!

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